Please notify our Patient Services Team by contacting the practice on 01993 702911 or completing the ask the reception a question form should you need interpreter services organised for your appointment.
If you are hard of hearing/deaf and need to schedule an appointment at the Windrush Medical Practice you can communicate with us by completing the following form Contact the Practice or ask a family member/friend to contact the Patient Services Team directly on 01993 702911.
The patient services team will add a note to records when booking an appointment and also arrange for sign solutions to come in to translate for you during your appointment.
Health information in other languages
Picture-symbol based communication board in 30 languages:
Language line
If English is not your first or preferred language you can still use our service.
NHS 111 also uses interpretation service, language line, to support callers who cannot or prefer not to speak English.
Language line is private, confidential and free to use.
To use language line:
- Call NHS 111
- Tell the call handler that you need an interpreter
- Tell the call handler the name of your preferred language.
Once you are connected to an interpreter you will have a three way conversation with NHS 111 to explain the problem in your language and get the help you need.
NHS 111 British sign language service
For NHS 111 British Sign Language (BSL) Service please go to
The NHS will help you right away and if you need urgent care, the NHS can book you in to be seen quickly and safely:
Easy read
For more information visit the learning disability and easy read information section of the wellbeing centre.