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Blood Test Information

We see patients for urgent, investigate, and routine blood tests. These appointments must be authorised by your doctor before you can be booked in to see a clinician.

Your blood test appointment may be arranged by your doctor, at the front desk with a member of our Patient Services Team, or over the phone.

To request a blood test:

If you are unable to call the practice, please use the Engage Consult service and select “Contact the Practice”

If you are needle-phobic or are not easy to take blood from, please speak to our Patient Services Team who can provide additional advice and support.

Information about blood taking

Sometimes a bruise develops where the needle was inserted. The bruise can look dramatic, but it is harmless and will disperse with time (up to 3 weeks if the bruise is large).

To reduce the possible bruising, press over the site with cotton wool for at least ten minutes with your arm straight.

Some people can feel faint during or soon after a blood test. If you feel faint, please tell the health care assistant who will help immediately and lie you down to prevent fainting.

If your doctor has asked for a fasting blood test, please have nothing to eat or drink from midnight until your blood test has been done, except sips of water and medication, if necessary.

Guidance on blood test and monitoring on behalf of secondary care

We primarily do blood tests arranged by the GP for them to manage your condition within primary care. We sometimes take blood on a non urgent basis for an NHS hospital clinic test under some circumstances and you must bring the actual blood test request card or stickers with you (as the phlebotomist will be unable to do it without this). We do not take blood for other health care providers or perform private blood tests.

For more information, please see our guidance on secondary care blood tests page