Have you tried the Engage Consult app?

We are now successfully using a new system called Engage Consult to communicate effectively and efficiently with our patients to help them receive the treatment that they need.

The team behind Engage Consult, Engage Health Systems, have developed an app for your personal devices specifically designed to help you access the new system in a simple and easy manner.

The Engage Consult app is streamlined and straightforward to use, and may help you connect with us if you are having problems using the NHS App.

If you are having any trouble downloading the Engage Consult app or the NHS App, please drop in to our digital support sessions every Monday and Wednesday from 08:30 -10:30 where our team will happily help.

Please follow the links below to download the Engage Consult app:

Engage Consult for iOS (Apple) – https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/engage-consult/id6450985909

Engage Consult for Android (Google Play) – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.engagehealth.consult