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Training/teaching practice

Postgraduate GP training

The practice is approved to train fully qualified doctors who wish to specialise in general practice.

The GP specialist trainee (sometimes also called GP registrar) will have had 2 to 4 years’ experience as a qualified hospital doctor working in various specialities. They consult patients on their own, under the supervision of the partners who are always available if the GP trainee needs their assistance or advice. Occasionally we ask permission to video a consultation, you will always be asked in advance and are given the option not to take part, and this will not affect your care in any way. These videos are used only for educational purposes with the doctor doing the consultation and are destroyed after use.

Occasionally medical records are inspected for the purpose of educational supervisor selection and accreditation and quality assurance activities.

We are a well regarded training practice offering a high quality learning environment. The practice has 2 experienced trainers, has access to a range of services and serves a diverse range of patients. Previous trainee reviews are very positive as is feedback from the practice assessors. Previous trainees have described us as ‘an excellent and innovative practice with great supervision and opportunities to learn.’

Second year foundation doctors  (FY2)

These qualified doctors are gaining experience of the conditions we treat and the skills of a GP by spending a few months with a local practice. They consult patients on their own, under the supervision of our doctors, who are always available if needed.

Undergraduate medical student teaching

We occasionally have medical students from the University of Oxford attached to the practice. You will be informed if your doctor or nurse has anyone sitting in with them to observe the consultation. If you would prefer to see your doctor or nurse alone, please tell the receptionist.

We believe that continuing involvement in medical education helps the practice maintain high quality patient care.